What kind of personal data do we collect, and why we do it.

To give you a better user experience on our website, as well as relevant marketing in other channels such as Facebook and Google, we use cookies issued by third parties. In the case of campaigns, we may also share e-mail or telephone numbers with our media agency, Semway Norge AS. This requires that we have obtained consent that it can be used for that purpose in advance.

Below you will find an overview of all third-party cookies/information cookies used on this website, which data they collect and their purpose.


Google Analytics

Data collected:

Anonymous: ad views, analysis, browser information, cookie data, date/time, demographic data, hardware/program type, internet provider, interaction data, page views.

Non-anonymous: IP addresses, Unique device, search history, location-based data.


These cookies are used to help us understand how visitors interact with our website by providing information about the areas visited, the time and any problems encountered, such as error messages. This helps us improve the performance of our websites. For more information, visit Google Analytics

Link to extended information:



Facebook for developers

Data collected:

Anonymous: ad impressions, analytics, browser information, cookies, date/time, demographic data, hardware/software type, internet provider, interaction data, page views.

Non-anonymous: Name, Address, telephone number, e-mail, login, unique device.


These cookies are used to deliver relevant advertisements, understand how you engage with our digital advertising campaigns and understand how you move between our website and Facebook. They allow us to understand and evaluate clicks on our ads so that we can improve campaigns and our website.

Link to extended information:




Data collected:

Anonymous: ad impressions, analytics, browser information, cookies, date/time, demographic data, hardware/software type, internet provider, interaction data, page views.

Non-anonymous: Name, Address, telephone number, e-mail, login, unique device.


These cookies are used to deliver relevant advertisements, understand how you engage in our digital advertising campaigns and understand how you move between our website and Linkedin. They allow us to understand and evaluate clicks on our ads so that we can improve campaigns and our website.

Link to extended information:



We treat the following categories of personal data:

  • Contact information: Name, email address
  • Cookies: Look to our information regarding cookies

The personal data is gathered directly from you or is generated by subscribing to our news letter or by interacting with our websites.

How do we use personal data:

Delivering services

We use your personal data to deliver you news letters if you signed up for it. The legal grounds for treating this personal data for this purpose is your consent. You can withdraw this consent at any time by unsubscribing to our news letter.

Analysis, business development and improvement upon services

We work continuously to develop and improve our services and the information we provide to our customers. This work implies an analysis of customer contact information and customer activity. The legal grounds to treat this personal data for this purpose is our entitled interest.

Sales and marketing

We use your personal data in connection with sales and marketing ofour products and services, by sending mails to your address. The legal grounds for treating this personal data is your consent. You can at any time withdraw this consent by unsubscribing to our news letter.


This website uses cookies. Cookies are tiny text files that are saved onto your device, that is registrating data about your activity and preferences. Most modern websites also use this kind of information processing. Allowing cookies is optional and you can turn the option on and off within your browser.

The purpose of this is to make the user interface more streamlined by allowing the website to remember the settings you choose, what sites you have visited within our platform, login details and other information that you have provided and want the web page to remember so that you dont have to fill these in every time you visit our pages.

We do not use cookies to see which other webpages you have visited after our own. We also do not save information that makes us able to identify you as a person.

Providing personal information is voluntary, and you do not need to do this in order to visit our websites. An example of this is by providing personal data in order to access services, such as subscribing to our news letter, or filling out forms.

By visiting our websites, however, you do provide us with non-identifiable information about your visit through Google Analytics. The purpose of this is to develop statistics that we use to improve and develop the information we provide on our websites. An example of what kind of statistics we collect, is the amount of visitors to our website, how long the visit lasts, which websites the user is coming from, and which browsers are being used. The information then gets treated in a non-identifiable manner. By that we mean that we are not able to track the information we collect back to any individual users. We do collect IP-adresses but, the IP gets deidentified so that only the first three groups of numbers in the address gets used to generate the statistics. For example, from an address with the numbers, only 195.159.103.xx gets used. An addition to this, the IP adresses gets aggregated; that means that all data is gathered in one group and not processed individually.

Examples of cookies that gets used for Google Analytics:

_ga: gets deleted automatically after 2 years. Is used to separate users from each other

_gid: gets deleted automatically after 24 hours. Is used to separate users from each other.

_gat: gets deleted automatically after 1 minute. Is used to separate traffic/queries.

We use Google Analytics to keep track of how many people visit this website, where they come from, etc. Google Analytics does not identify individual users or associate your IP address with any other data held by Google.

We embed videos from YouTube and the audio player from Spotify, which use cookies to anonymously gather statistics on how you got there and what videos and songs you visited.

We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. Your information is only transferred to Mailchimp if you sign up to our newsletter.

We also use Facebook Pixel in order to give you as visitors more relevant content and information, and to keep track of whether our ads are working. You might see advertisements from us on Facebook later on. We do not access data about your account or who you are.

You can read more about how these third party services process your information by clicking their respective links.

Your Rights

Insight to your own information.

You can always ask for a copy of the information we process about you. Contact us via e-mail to use your right to insight.

Correction of information

You have the right to ask us to correct or to supplement information that is wrong or misleading.

Right to deletion of information.

You have the right to ask us to delete information without having to provide any reason for it. You can at any time contact us and ask to have information deleted.

Limitations of personal data-processing

In some cases you can also ask us to limit processing of personal data. You can do this via administration of consent, or by reservations within our solutions.

Protest against processing of personal data

If we treat information about you based upon our assignments, or based upon a balancing of interests, you have the right to protest on our treatment of that personal data.

Portability of data

You have the right to receive your data in a structured, regularly utilised machine readable format. Contact us via the E-mail address above to receive your personal data.

You have the right to complain against our treatment of personal data. We hope you will let us know if you think we dont comply with the rules and legislations of the personal data act. Let us know via the contact or channel you have already established with us. You can also complain about our treatment of treatment of personal data. You can do this to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority.

Thank you for visiting our website!